Energy Healing From A Distance





"It's freaky, but it works, because energy isn't limited to a set spatial distance."
                                                    ~ Bruce Lipton PhD  


When I was training as a Brennan Healing Science (BHS) practitioner we were taught how to read an energy field from a distance and work with it to support a person's healing. While we were at school we would pair up and then when we got home we would work remotely and compare notes. It was great practice and confirmed for me that we are indeed all connected even if we are half a world apart.

But for myself, I was reluctant to try remote healing. The BHS practitioner I was seeing lived a couple of hours away and it was an all day affair to see him. I loved being face to face and didn't want to give that up even though it was challenging getting child care arranged, and driving through bad weather at times. One day I called to reschedule because something had come up. He suggested we try a remote session and I agreed. He made an energetic connection and asked if I could "feel" him. I thought I could. What clinched it was when he disconnected and I could really sense the difference. I know from many personal experiences that there is way more to life than just the physical.

Without going down the rabbit hole of complicated physics that I do not totally understand, let me just say that Quantum Non-Locality says that all particles in the universe are entangled. The behavior of one particle influences the others instantaneously. Physicist Amit Goswami did an experiment showing that entanglement affects people. He had two people meditate together and then separated them where they couldn't see or hear one another. When one person had a light strobe by his eye, it caused the firing of a certain frequency in their brain. Remarkably, at the same moment, the other person's brain also fired, even though he never saw the light. In summary, I'm a particle, you're a particle. Einstein called entanglement spooky action at a distance. What we experience as space is actually chock full of energy soup. All things are connected, which makes remote healing possible.

I have worked remotely with people all over the country, some I have never met in person, with interesting results. It is clear that even from a distance the relaxation factor is present. Just as in the healing room, people may feel heat, cold, tingling, emotional, relaxed or nothing at all. When Covid hit and we all went into quarantine, remote healing became something more people were willing to try.

Remotely, I work the same way as I do in the office. We set up an appointment and talk about how we want to do this and what we are working on. We can video call or talk on the phone, whatever the client is comfortable with. When the time feels right I will ask the client to get comfortable and will start working with the energy system. Every practitioner has their own way of doing things. Usually I will disconnect phone or video to let us both relax into the energy completely without thinking about technology. When the session is complete I send an email describing the work, my impressions and suggested next steps. This seems to work pretty well, however I am always open to whatever supports the client in having a successful experience. Do not hesitate to ask for what you need.

Energy medicine isn't magic and I am not the mighty and powerful Oz, but my experience and the research suggests that, at a minimum, energy medicine can promote relaxation, reduce stress and relieve pain. In my almost 30 years of practice I have seen things that cannot be explained by traditional means which makes me a believer.

To make the process easier I have included a one hour remote session in the Store. Click the tab at the top of the Hillary Oat Healing homepage and we can get started.

Be well. Be yourself.


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