Tap Tap Tap Away Anxiety

“Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.”

                                                                            —Arthur Somers Roche

Anxiety is so uncomfortable. It can range from a mild discomfort to a full blown panic attack. I do not know many people who are not feeling a level of anxiety these days.

Anxiety is one of those things that sets us on edge, like a tightly coiled spring in the Jack-in-the box. We never know which turn of the crank is going to cause our heart to pound, and thoughts to be consumed with unmentionable horrors. The other day USPS informed delivery showed a letter from the IRS was coming. Because my spring was already pretty tightly wound it was the last turn of the crank that sent me into overwhelming anxiety. When I did finally receive the letter it was nothing. I was so relieved I dissolved into tears.

We all have some degree of anxiety about big things and little things. And like that stream of fear trickling through our minds, it drains us of our comfort, peace, and joy.  When anxiety kicks up there is just no reasoning with it.

In my struggle to calm myself I remembered EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping. I learned it years ago, taught it, and until now never really had a situation so cut and dried to test it out. To my amazement, it absolutely helped. My anxiety was so calmed that I was hesitant to think about it for fear it would return. I have had other things trigger anxiety since, and I have tapped to calm myself with great results.

It is a little complicated to learn at first. Gary Craig (bless him!) took all that was known about tapping and simplified it down into what he calls the Basic Recipe. He has a wealth of information and resources on his web page EMOfree.com. If you are a do-it-yourselfer, you can learn it from the website and put it to work in your life.

If you want help to learn this, I am happy to assist. Call, text or email me to make an appointment for a session and I will show you how to do it. If you prefer, there are teachers and therapists out there that have studied it in depth and know all the finer details.

If you decide to experiement with EFT, let me know how it works for you. Happy Tapping!
Hillary Oat Healing


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