
Showing posts from February, 2023

Just Say No

  "I've come to feel downright uneasy with people who can't say no. What if they yes you to death and then secretly hate you for it? If they never say no, how can you trust their yes? Besides, no makes room for yes, and who doesn't want more room for that?”                                                  ― Kelly Corrigan Have you noticed how difficult it can be to say no? Our palms get sweaty, heart pounds and we prepare for fight or flight. When children are between 2 and 4 years old, NO is the word they use most. This is a normal developmental process about finding out who they are. A healthy parental response to a child’s no helps them learn about boundaries. Sadly not all of us have had a positive response to our no. Growing up, when I put my needs, wants, or desires ahead of others I was called difficult, stubborn and selfish. I was ostracized, which felt like death. Lesson learned. Saying no means bad things will happen. I imagine I am not alone with that