
Showing posts from May, 2022

The Power of ....................Space

 " Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom."                                                              ~ Viktor Frankl   The other day I got an email from Brene Brown called Creating Space. In it she talked about her experience of not having space and learning to pause. Recognizing the importance of a pause, she and her staff are taking a summer sabbatical to rest and refresh. That is one kind of space, and there are others. When I was growing up we were always rushed. If my mother wasn't early for something she thought she was late and she instilled that behavior in her children. We were rushed through everything. Even my elementary school principle, Miss Pickard, would tell us to "take your time, but hurry". My son was young when my father told him he better hurry up and choose between two delicious options or he wouldn't get any at all. My father d